How to connect Excel as a Database in Automation Anywhere V11

Step 1: Drag and Drop or Double click on the Database sub command 'Connect'.

Step 2: Use the below connection string to connect excel as a database.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= C:\Users\Ashu\Desktop\testdbconnection.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES";

Step 3: Drag the SQL Query sub-command and use the below SELECT Statement.

select * from [Sheet1$]    <--- Use Table name as Sheet name and  include $ -->

Step 4: Drag n Drop the loop command “Each row in SQL Data Set”.

Step 5: Use Massage Box “$Dataset Column (1) $” to see value from the excel data.

Step 6:  Save & Run the code.

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Please follow the below code screenshot for reference .

Hope this helps.. please share your comments.

Happy Learning!!😊

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