Introduction :
Step 2 : Select the first PDF file from the Input folder and click on " + Add".

Step 3: Capture the required field and Right Click on select data (Purchase Order) and then click on Add Field.
Automation anywhere have the PDF Integration Command where we can automate the process for pdf documents. we have the functionality like - PDF to Image, Extract From Fields, Extract text, Merge Documents, Split Document, Encrypt Document and Decrypt Document .
Note : To extract the multiple PDF data, first ensure that all PDF files are in same format.
place all the PDF file into a single Input folder.
Extract the PDF Fields :
Step 2 : Select the first PDF file from the Input folder and click on " + Add".
Step 3: Capture the required field and Right Click on select data (Purchase Order) and then click on Add Field.
Step 4 : After clicking on Add Field, a window will pop op with extracted data. Enter the Field Name , Select Variable and click on OK.

Note : if you see the value are not extracted properly then you can adjust the selected field and add the field again.
Note : if you see the value are not extracted properly then you can adjust the selected field and add the field again.
Create the user variable before to start the process for all the field you want to extract from PDF file.
Repeat the same Step 3 & Step 4 to extract the others fields that you required.
Step 5: Once all the fields are extracted then you can see the all the data for selected PDF File.
Now Change the PDF File name(PurchaseOrder1) to $FileName$ (System Variable).
Note : If you want to Add some additional filed or to edit the existing extracted field or to delete the specific filed, select the options as you see in above image.
Step 6 : Now Drag and Drop the Loop command "Each File In Folder". Select the PDF Input Folder.
drag the PDF command line in the loop. keep a message box and add all the variables to see the output values.
Write Value to Excel :
Step 7 : Create a Excel File with header value manually.
Step 8 : Open created excel spreadsheet in AA
Step 9 : Create a v_Count variable and pass the initial value to 2.
Step 10 : Now use the Set Cells excel command below the PDF command line and pass the value for specific cell and cell value.
Specific cell : A$v_Count$
Cell Value : $v_PurchaseOrder$
Specific cell : B$v_Count$
Cell Value : $PO_Number$
Note : This above eg is to set the value for Purchase order & PO Number, to set the value for other variables follow the same procedure as above.
Step 11 : At the end of the loop use variable operation and increase the Count value to 1.
$v_Count$ = $v_Count$ +1.
Please follow the below code screenshot for reference.
Hope this is helpful for you.. please share your comments.
Happy Learning!! 😊