Automation Anywhere - Bot Insight Usages

AA -  Bot Insight Usages

1. Overview
2. Bot Insight Process
    a. Types of Analytics
    b. Types of BI User Role
3. Creating/Configuring BI analytics task
4. Edit & Publish the BI Dashboard 
5. Analyze the BI Dashboard

1. Overview

Bot Insight is an AAE analytics platform that provide real time, integrative and smart insight about business processes and operational intelligence. it translate the data capture by the deployed bots into insight through auto- generated and customizable dashboard.

2. Bot Insight Process

 a. Types of Analytics

Bot Insight provides 2 types of analytics:
  1. Operational Analytics
  2. Business Analytics 

1. Operational Analytics 

You can use operational analytics to know about the performance of a bot, status of the task, past and upcoming schedule of the task, audit information, utilization of various resources, workload status and health of the machine on which the task is running.

2. Business Analytics 

Business analytics provide information about the transactional analytics for the data that is logged by the variable tagged in a task. The information provided can be about the total sales in a month, invoicing and payment trends, insight about new customers, and quote to order ratio.

b. Types of BI User Role

There are 3 assigned user roles for Bot insight Analytics tool.

  • AAE_Bot Insight Admin 
  • AAE_Bot Insight Expert 
  • AAE_Bot Insight Consumer 

Analytics Expert

A user assigned the "AAE_Bot Insight Expert" role will be able to get access to all features related to Analytics as mentioned below 

  • view Data profile of task data (on which a dashboard reports off).
  • Save As of system generated dashboard 
  • Modify custom user created (customized) dashboard and "Save" them
  • Publish user created (customized) dashboard.
  • Bookmark dashboard 
  • Delete user created (customized) dashboard.

Analytics Consumer 

A user assigned the "AAE_Bot Insight Consumer" role will be able to get access to all features related to Analytics as mentioned below

  • Analyzing the published dashboard
  • Bookmark dashboard 

3. Creating/Configuring BI analytics task

Step 1: create a task with variable(s) and log them for analytics.

Step 2: Enable the task for Analytics.

Step 3: Run the task from Bot creator.

Step 4: Click on Analyze section from Editor. This will redirect user to BI login page.

Step 5: Once login to BI using Analytics Expert role, you will view the system generated dashboard. 

4. Edit & Publish the BI Dashboard 

Step 6:  Create a copy of the dashboard (use Save As option) and edit it as per the requirement and then publish the dashboard.

Step 7: Once dashboard is published, upload the analytics task on CR.

Step 8: Run the task from CR in Runner machine.

5. Analyze the BI Dashboard

Step 9: Login to BI with Analytics Consumer/BI Admin role. it shows the data which was captured when task was run from CR.

Few Points to remember 

  1. You must have either the AAE_Bot Insight Admin or the AAE_Bot Insight Consumer role assigned to you to view the published dashboard.
  2. Dashboard which are not published will be visible in Configured Section and dashboard which are published will be visible under Analyze section on BI page.
  3. Whenever the task is running from CR, it will push the data to BI application. So, when you view the dashboard, it will have cumulative data of all the runs.
  4. The default refresh rate of all dashboard is 1 hours.


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