Read data from an excel Spreadsheet in Power Automate Desktop


there are few steps to be follow as below

Step 1: Drag and Drop Action "Launch Excel" and pass the Document Excel file path. and it generate the flow variable as %ExcelInstance%

Note : The flow variable can be modified for proper understanding. if you are using multiple excel in a project.
Step 2: Use the Action "Get first free column/row from excel worksheet" this will automatically generate two flow variable as %FirstFreeColumn% and %FirstFreeRow%

Step 3: Now the next action to be use is "Read from Excel worksheet"  in this we will have other option for retrieve the data to-use select from the drop down.
for reading the data from selected range of cell use the option "values from a range of cells"
start column & start row as 1 and 
end column & end row as %FirstFreeColumn - 1%, %FirstFreeRow-1% respectively
this is because my excel file start data is from column & row 1
and if the file contain the first line as Header then check the value as "first line of range contain column names" by clicking on Advance option.
this has stored the data in to the %ExcelData% variable

Step 4:  The next action to use the loop "For Each" action. this will loop and show the each row of data available  in the excel file. Click on Save.
Step 5: Use Display message box action inside the loop to see the value for each row.

Step 6: The next final action to be use as "Close Excel" this will close the opened excel file instance.


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